Some partner schools may request a copy of the Learning Agreement (LA in paper or PDF format) before the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) procedure is activated by Bocconi.
In these cases, it is the responsibility of the partner university to share the document to be completed; in the exceptional case that the document is not provided by the partner school you can fill out the attached document, and then have it countersigned by Study Abroad - Bocconi in response to this FAQ.
Please note that the LA in paper or PDF format will not be valid for either Bocconi or the Erasmus+ Scholarship, in fact the purpose is only for the application at the partner school, where required.
NB: please note that all procedures for OLA and obtaining the Erasmus+ Scholarship will be shared with you via email by the relevant office within the timeline of your mobility.
Compilation - below is some specific information to be inserted:
Level of education: EQF level 6 for bachelor's degree programs, EQF level 7 for master's degree programs, and CLMG.
ISCED code: 0410 (for BIG/GIO/ESS students: 0312 - for CLMG/CLELI students: 0421).
In addition to this, general information and Tables A and B should be completed.