The online tax regime procedure is available on the following page:
For the first login use the following credentials:
User: Bocconi
Password: datifiscali
Change/personalize Username and password for each subsequent login and fill in all sections of the form.
To the question “Will the services be invoiced as an associated firm?” please answer NO
In the Tax Residence section, indicate the place of residence in the current year and as "start date" add January 1st of the current year. Consider that if you spend more than 183 days in Italy in the current year, from January to December, your tax residence is Italy.
If your tax residence is in Italy, in the last section you will have to answer 3 questions: choose "NO" for the first two and "YES" for the last ("Will you have to receive an Erasmus+ scholarship?")
2) If your account already exists, click on Tax Regime > Edit a previous declaration > Recover password.
Use your personal email. To reset your password you must complete your personal data, INCLUDING YOUR ITALIAN TAX CODE. Then, once you have reset your password, you will still have to log in by clicking on "Edit a previous declaration".
Simply review your data and update it if it changes over time.
IMPORTANT: in the Payment Method section, choose the bank transfer/bank transfer option, entering an account in your name or in your joint name. The “cheque” option is no longer admissible.
ATTENTION: students who have not completed the tax regime cannot be taken into consideration for the payment of the mobility grant.
ATTENTION: in the event that you have to renounce the program at a time after the payment of the contribution or the actual period of experience abroad is less than the monthly payments received, you will be required to reimburse these sums.