First year students
Students in possession of the following requirements may be evaluated for the assignment of a fees relief target:
- Italian and international candidates enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor of Science program or Integrated Master of Arts in Law; it is specified that fees relief target is not foreseen for Master of Science courses;
- Students whose family household's economic and asset condition is below the limit foreseen for the ordinary fees target;
- Students who have submitted the "Fees relief target" application.
Please note that students transferring from other universities (enrolled in Bocconi for the first time) will have to submit the "Fees relief target" application according to the same deadlines, regardless of the credit recognition process and of the subsequent possibility of enrollment in one of the subsequent years of course.
Students enrolled in years after the first
The request of relief on the ordinary fees target may also be submitted by subsequent years students through the "Fees revaluation application".
Attention: the possession of the requirements indicated above does not entail automatic assignment of the benefit, rather it is only the necessary condition to access the evaluation process.