Bocconi Library is the oldest and most important Economics library in economics in Italy; it was founded more than a century ago, in 1903, at the same time as the University.
What can I find in the Library?
What kind of books can be found in the Library?
What can I find in the Library?
The Bocconi Library offers to users a wide range of resources, both print and online:
books, periodicals (magazines, journals…), working papers, statistics and research databases focusing on economics, law and social sciences, databases used in several academic libraries all over the world; most of them available also off-campus: all Bocconi users can access 24/7 from everywhere using their Library identification codes.
What kind of books can be found in the Library?
The subjects we cover are economics, finance, social science (law,politics, sociology, and so on) and law. The Library acquires books published in Italy, but approximately half of the Library’s book and serial collections are in languages other than Italian. 60% of the whole collection is in English (we also have material in other languages, such as French, Spanish and German): this is a specific feature of our Library - and of our institution. As a matter of fact, Bocconi University is considered not only an Italian, but an international University.
Where are the books?
The most requested and most consulted library books are collected in open shelves in the reading rooms, so that all users can see and discover them directly. Other books have been placed in the storages, accessible to the staff only. Also these books can be requested and consulted by users.