This section is dedicated to employers. If you are a Bocconi student and you are looking for more information regarding the internship, please search in the "Internship" category, available on the homepage of B in Touch.
To access JobGate, you need to have a username (User ID) and a login password, which can be created through a simple procedure, to be done only once.
To complete the registration, please follow these steps:
1. Access the website EMPLOYERS.UNIBOCCONI.IT
2. Click on the link "REGISTER NEW CONTACT”
Note: Registration and access credentials are personal and not transferable. In case other individuals from the same company wish to use the portal, they will need to complete a new registration for a new corporate contact, which will be associated with the existing company.
3. Follow the guided registration
The first screen of the process summarizes all the information needed to complete the registration:
4. Enter the information required for registration
Enter your personal information and details about your company, with specific reference to the Registered Office, VAT number, or tax code.
The information provided will be subject to further clarification through a telephone contact that will take place within the next 5 working days after registration, conducted by the University of Bocconi.
Below are the main fields to be filled out:
- Country of the company
- Identification data
If the company is already registered in JobGate, the portal will recognize the company's identifier (e.g., VAT number) and add the new contact to the existing ones. The data already in JobGate will be displayed, and if necessary, you can add another workplace location.
- Company data entry
Please carefully fill out the mandatory fields.
- Information about the company contact
The email of the company contact person will be used to receive all operational communications, including for the internship formalization process. Please enter the email address associated with the company's domain.
Note: If the person registering is located in a different location from the company's registered office, you can select the option "Add operational location", and the related information will be requested later. If the company contact person is also a Bocconi graduate please enter the student ID (7 numeric characters) on this screen.
It is also necessary to indicate the reason for registration, whether you wish to promote an opportunity (Publish internship/job offers) or proceed with the activation of an internship for a candidate already known ("Start an internship for a known student/graduate" or "Start an internship for a known student/graduate of the First-Level University Master"). To proceed, you must review the Corporate Privacy Policy and the General Terms of Use of the portal.
Hint: For further details, please visit the Bocconi website pages dedicated to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Operational headquarters
In the event that the company contact wishes to enter the information relating to a possible operational headquarters, it will be necessary to select "Add operational headquarters" from step 4 and the system will automatically display the screen for entering this data.
Information about the legal representative
If the reason for registration is the formalization of an internship for an already selected candidate, it is useful to fill in the screen relating to information on the legal representative in all its fields. However, it is possible to proceed with the registration by selecting "Skip this step" and enter this information at a later time.
Attachment management
The company referent is invited to upload a copy of the chamber of commerce registration in pdf format (only for companies operating in Italy) and a company presentation (pdf, word or ppt format). If they are not loaded at this time, the documentation must be sent by email to
To skip this step and continue with the registration, simply click on "Next".
Choice of the username
The last step of registration allows you to choose your username. If the chosen name is already in use, an error message will appear: it will therefore be necessary to choose an alternative one.
5 Summary of compiled data and confirmation
At the end of the registration process, a summary of the data will be shown, with the possibility of correcting potential errors.
6 Registration completed
Once the information entered has been confirmed, the system will assign a password which will be activated by the Career Service following a telephone contact. This password can then be customized using the special password recovery function on the homepage. Successful registration will be confirmed with an email.
Note: The information provided will be examined in detail during a phone call that will take place - during the 5 working days following registration by Bocconi University (team Employers relations). Until the activation is completed, it will not be possible to carry out any operations within the Bocconi website.
If you need any additional information, please write to: