A.Y. 2024-25
The housing assignment will be revoked in the following cases:
Disciplinary Measures
A student who during the course of the year incurs disciplinary sanctions in excess of a warning imposed by the university incurs revocation of the housing assignment resulting in the expulsion from the residence hall and loss of the security deposit. In this case, the student must permanently leave the housing assigned.
Serious violation of the Bocconi Residence Regulations
A student who, during the course of the year, is responsible for a serious violation of the Bocconi Residence Regulations incurs the revocation of the housing assignment with the consequent expulsion from the residence hall and loss of the security deposit. In this case the student must immediately and permanently leave the housing assigned.
The university reserves the right to refer the student to the Disciplinary Committee.
The university also reserves the right in this case to order the ineligibility of the student to use the Housing Service for the entire duration of the study cycle.
False declarations
A student who submits/has submitted/ untrue statements incurs revocation of the housing assignment resulting in expulsion from the residence hall and loss of the security deposit. In this case, the student must immediately and permanently leave the housing assigned. The sanctions provided for in Articles 75 and 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 will also be applied, as well as the sanctions provided for in Article 10, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 68/2012 consisting in the loss of the right to obtain other disbursements for the entire duration of the course of studies, the payment of a sum three times the value of the services unduly used, without prejudice in any case to the application of the sanctions provided for in Article 38, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree No. 78/2010 as well as the criminal provisions for facts constituting a crime.
Università Bocconi reserves the right to adopt disciplinary sanctions and, if the elements of a crime are found to exist (art. 331 c.p.p.), reporting to the judicial authorities.
Housing assignments will be cancelled by the office for students who fall into the following cases and who have not applied for RENUNCIATION or WITHDRAWAL in the prescribed time and manner:
Lack of the requirements to use the Housing Service (merit and academic year enrollment)
The housing assignment will be cancelled to those who at any time during the year are found to lack one or more requirements to use the Housing service: merit requirement or enrollment requirement for the 2024-25 academic year.
Such students will be required to vacate the accommodation immediately, will still be required to pay in full any housing installments already due and they will not be entitled to a refund if already paid.
They will not be entitled to a refund of the security deposit.
Withdraw from studies or transfer to another university
The housing assignment will be cancelled to those who will matriculate/enroll in A.Y. 2024-25 and who after matriculation/enrollment, at any time during the academic year, transfer to another university or withdraw their studies.
Such students will be required to vacate the accommodation immediately, will still be required to pay in full any housing installments already due and they will not be entitled to a refund if already paid.
They will not be entitled to a refund of the security deposit.
Failure to comply with payment deadlines
The housing assignment will be cancelled to those who fail to pay the housing installment after 15 days from the due date.
Such students will be required to vacate the accommodation immediately, will still be required to pay in full any housing installments already due and they will not be entitled to a refund of installments already paid.
The student will not be entitled to a refund of the security deposit.
In this case, also the suspension of the academic and administrative position of the student is applied until he/she submits proof of completed payment regarding the amounts due.
The university also reserves the right in this case to order the ineligibility of the student to use the Housing Service for the entire duration of the study cycle.
The housing assignments will be cancelled for those who graduate during the year.
Such students will have to leave their assigned housing permanently by the end of the same month of graduation. They will be due (or not refunded) in this case the exit month and the following month.
The student will not be entitled to a refund of the security deposit.
Missing economic requirement Right to university Education (for assignees at preferential rate)
The housing assignment will be cancelled to those who are found to be assignees of preferential rate housing for a.y. 2024-25, but submit for the purpose of the Bocconi ISU Scholarship application a.y. 2024-25 an ISEE/ISEEU parificato whose values do not fall within the limits provided to benefit from preferential rate.
Such students will be required to vacate the accommodation immediately, will still be required to pay in full any housing installments already due and they will not be entitled to a refund if already paid.
They will not be entitled to a refund of the security deposit.